New Friends
words by Kami & Ellie

Some of yesterday’s information in the blog was incorrect. The Kind Kuddlers did not win the volleyball game. In fact, they did not win a single game.
Now onto today’s agenda… We were up and at it at 6:30am to listen to the wise words of Brendan and ate some banging baked oatmeal. All of us then headed over to the Alliance Academy to play some futbol with the Cumbre Alta women’s team. We were mixed up with the team and divided into groups for a tournament. The team with Ella and Lydia took the dub ☹. Lunch was provided by Cumbre Alta, which consisted of Spanish hot dog, Cheetos, and cake, of course. It was a great opportunity to connect with the players on the women’s team as we conversed in broken Spanglish.
*In song* We went to the mall, today. It was a great time to continue getting to know some of our new friends as we were joined by Hector (one of the coaches for the women’s team), Lore and Nia (players). Although not many of us wanted to shop till we dropped, we managed to find something to do in order to pass the time. While Brendan, Lydia, and Bri did all the shopping, Merlinn and Ella went with Lore and Nia to get their nails done. Ellie, Kami, Johann, and Hector got French fries and ice cream.
Lydia and Bri gifted themselves, and essentially the rest of the group, with a karaoke machine. We all busted out into song the entire ride back to Casa Blanca. As we write this, Bri, Lydia, and Ella are blessing the entire house with their exuberant song (more like yelling) from the bathroom using their new toy.
Tomorrow, we will begin painting at the new property Cumbre Alta is developing for their home field. We will be the first missions group to serve there!
Hasta Manana Amigos 😊

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