Private Training


All private training passes include a half-hour consultation.  During this time, a coach will meet with the player and parent(s) to make recommendations and build out a training plan that may include multiple content areas.  Content areas of training include technical skillsmental excellence, and corrective exercise.  For multi-hour passes, hours can be mixed with different coaches and in different content areas; they can also be split between siblings.  After your consultation, you will be connected with coaches that best match your goals and availability to finalize scheduling and location.  Scroll down to learn more about the content areas of training.

Recommended Use

Based on your consultation, we may have specific recommendations on how best to apply your hours.  In general, with either a 5-hour or 10-hour pass, we recommend 2 hours of mental excellence training and splitting the rest in some combination of technical skills and corrective exercise.

Technical Skills

Spend one hour working with a ball on soccer-specific skills.  Strong technical ability is the foundation of every good soccer player.  Without them, no player will go very far in the game.

Mental Excellence

Spend one hour establishing a changed behavior in an area the player is wanting to grow.  An hour of mental excellence training will be spent in shorter segments either in-person or over Zoom over a four week period.  Both the player and a parent will be involved in these short sessions.  The typical breakdown looks something like this:

Week 1

  • Discuss area of focus
  • Discuss the what, why, and how
  • Set intentions for the next three weeks
  • Set up check-list for success

Weeks 2 and 3:

  • Review goals and progress
  • Guidance and further support as needed

Week 4:

  • Final review of progress
  • Continued intentions moving forward

Corrective Excercise

Spend one hour learning how to move your body better in an athletic context and reduce your risk of injury.  Ligament injuries are at an all-time high for soccer players.  Research suggests this may be because athletes focus on only one sport too early in life, leaving some muscle groups underdeveloped.  Corrective exercise improves your body mechanics and more holistically prepares your body for the game of soccer (or any sport).