
Jun 10, 2022 | Team Ecuador 2022

words by Coach Brendan.

As we sit at our gate at DIA, I can’t help but ask, “Where has the time gone?”  Usually, I am over-prepared when I travel.  I know all the details.  I think through every contingency.  I double, triple, and quadruple check my plans for the trip.  Not so this time around.

Life has been so full lately.  The month of May tends to be that way as spring turns to summer.  As a coach, the transition from one season to the next is often filled with a lot to think and work through.  That was especially true for me this May.  Wrapping up the CSCS high school girls’ season and my first season as a part of Anglers FC led straight into CSCS summer camp and kickarounds, Anglers tryouts for the fall season, and coaching our first ever summer women’s team at the club.  All this while transitioning my career as a teacher to a new role for another soccer company.  This spring was a lot.  The summer promises to be just as much.

So with all the change going on in my life, preparing for this trip has been a bit of an afterthought.  It’s these times I am especially grateful for Coach Rollins and his planning and leading of this trip.  It’s nice to not have to know all the details; nice to just be a long for the ride.

Now I ask for the Lord to prepare my heart as I sit at gate A49.  I feel a great sense of anticipation for what the Lord wants to do over these next 11 days.  I believe He wants to encounter each member of Team Ecuador.  He wants to do something new and fresh in our hearts, not just for Ecuador, Quito, and Cumbre Alta, but also for Colorado, Colorado Springs, CSCS, and Anglers FC.

Let His will be done.

We arrive at UIO in...






