Day 2 – Futbol Matches

Day 2 – Futbol Matches words by Jackson, Andrew, Stephen, Jonah, Josh. [parentheticals by Coach Brendan] GOOOODDDD MORNING VIETNAM!!! Today was pretty swag cash baller.  In this life it’s either drip or drown, but somehow we’ve managed to drown in the drip [I...

Day 1 – Sightseeing

Day 1 – Sightseeing words by Liana Rollins. Hello everybody! Sorry about the late update but we all arrived safely at Casa Blanca around 3am, but by the time we settled in it was about 3:45ish.  We sadly only had about five hours of sleep because breakfast was...


Anticipation words by Coach Brendan. As we sit at our gate at DIA, I can’t help but ask, “Where has the time gone?”  Usually, I am over-prepared when I travel.  I know all the details.  I think through every contingency.  I double, triple, and quadruple check my plans...