Day 1 – Sightseeing

Jun 11, 2022 | Team Ecuador 2022

words by Liana Rollins.

Hello everybody!

Sorry about the late update but we all arrived safely at Casa Blanca around 3am, but by the time we settled in it was about 3:45ish.  We sadly only had about five hours of sleep because breakfast was at 9.  After breakfast we all got ready to go to the Mitad del Mundo (Middle of the World).  When we arrived, there was a lovely alpaca, and we took some funny pics with it.

We also had a nice tour, which was really interesting.  One of the activities we did on the equator line was balance an egg on a nail.  Josh was the only one able to do it, so he got a certificate and was granted the title of “Egg Master.”

For lunch, we got the BEST empanadas, probably in the world.  Then we went to the market, which was definitely my favorite part.  We got gifts, pants, and epic blankets.  About an hour later, we left to go to a huge, colonial Basilica.  We climbed to the top and took pictures with a beautiful view.

We were all pretty warn out from walking and climbing millions of stairs (but it was definitely worth it).

When we got home, we played volleyball.  Boys verses girls. Guess who won… The girls, well, kinda.  Last point won. Mwahahaha! Coming home to a lovely dinner made by our host, Fabi, was soooo good!  We had chicken, rice, and veggie soup.  After dinner, we walked to the snack shop and got cheap snacks and candies.  We quickly came home and had a meeting with Matt, one of the directors at Cumbre Alta. We talked about what we will be working on, our role as a short-term missions team, and how Casa Deportiva Cumbre Alta was created. That about sums up our day. We will fill you all in with the little details when we get back! 😉