Day 2 – Futbol Matches

Jun 12, 2022 | Team Ecuador 2022

words by Jackson, Andrew, Stephen, Jonah, Josh.

[parentheticals by Coach Brendan]


Today was pretty swag cash baller.  In this life it’s either drip or drown, but somehow we’ve managed to drown in the drip [I have no idea what this means].  This morning began with a devotion about the Samaritan woman whom Jesus met at the well.  We talked about how Jesus wasn’t afraid to step out of his comfort zone if it meant that he could reach someone with the Good News.  It is important that we all take this message into our week and apply it to our actions and words.

Cumbre Alta, the team we are partnered with, competed this morning, and we were #blessed to watch them play.  They didn’t get the result they wanted, but it was a super sick opportunity to be there.

After the match, we traveled to this cool statue thing [called La Virgen del Panecillo].  From the hill the statue was on, we could see how truly obese the city of Quito is.  Along with appreciating the beauty of the city and surrounding mountains, a few of the fellas purchased Among Us and Fortnite Battle Royale themed off-brand Lego sets.  Pretty #PushinP we must say [again, not sure what this means; probably don’t look it up; Jackson assures me it’s fine].

Then we returned to Casa Blanca, our home for the week, where we spent the afternoon creating Lego masterpieces and playing volleyball [the boys won this time before they created new teams].  Dinner was exquisite and delectable, consisting of burritos and taco salad.

Following the meal, we piled back into the bus and ventured downtown to watch another futbol match, which ended in a penalty shootout.  One of the highlights of the match was attempting to start the wave.  With capes around their necks, a few brave mission trip soldiers fought crime in the trenches of Quito, stopping no crimes and saving nobody.  On the ride home, we all had the privilege of learning that Egg Master Josh spells daddy like this >>> dady.

Now we back at da crib getting lit for God.  As Drake once said, #GodsPlan.  Goodnight America.